Racism, Self Solidarity, Subconscious

Why Don’t We Talk About When White People Code Switch?

Part I: When Cornbread becomes Code-Switching

If you’re a Person of Color reading this article, you might have a personal anecdote of either yourself or one of your parents engaging in code switching.

I can recall the time when I first witnessed my dad code switching. He was known for doing what he referred to as talking ‘cornbread’. It was his way of saying “Don’t talk down to people or make them feel bad for not knowing something you already know. Keep things simple and easy to understand.”

This was dad’s take on the street slang, ‘keeping it real.’ He took pride in always speaking in this straightforward, ‘cornbread’ manner. So, you can imagine my shock when, at the age of eight, I first saw him on the phone with a white man, code switching.

It was a stark contrast to the father I knew.  

Code switching – that’s what my dad was doing: attempting to imitate what he thought a white person sounded like. His manner of speaking was out of the ordinary, his words pronounced in a manner that was unfamiliar to me. His facial expressions were strained, as if he were performing in a Broadway show.

Afterwards, he would exhibit such anger and frustration that his reaction made it crystal clear to me that he deeply resented having to code-switch. Without witnessing his reaction, I might have grown up thinking this was perfectly normal. This episode taught me that although code switching is widespread, it’s not natural for us.

We often talk about Black people code switching, but now it’s important to understand why white people engage in it too. Of course, what I’m going to share may surprise you, and even evoke feelings of discomfort or self-betrayal, much like my dad experienced.

“How does such a mindset become a daily habit?”

Nowadays, we understand that my dad’s idea of imitating a white man was a construct in his mind. But the real question is, how did the construct get into his mind? How does a highly intelligent, unique individual like my dad come to believe that being his true self wasn’t the best choice? How does such a mindset become a daily habit? The answer is survival!

What’s even more astounding is understanding how this racialized programming designed to intentionally cultivate self-doubt in people of color, ironically enough, ends up doing the same thing to white people. 

Consider what messages white people have been receiving for the past one hundred years. Now, think about the messages they have been receiving about people of color. How have white people been depicted in the media compared to people of color?  

Depending on what stage you are in your growth process you may or may not be able see this for yourself. You may still be racially unconscious. For example, white women were portrayed in media as beautiful and elegant. However, Black women, were at the bottom of the racial caste system and depicted as ugly and loud. 

Just to be clear, the idea of talking like a ‘white person’ isn’t real. Understand that the so-called ‘white person’ that a person of color tries to imitate doesn’t exist. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all white person.

My dad wasn’t mimicking a real white guy; he was acting on what he’d been socialized to believe about white people. He was reacting to a program that painted white people as the pinnacle of success.

Most people below white people on the racial hierarchy often sought to emulate white people, as a survival strategy and to unconsciously prove they’re worthy of acceptance.

Why Do White People Code Switch?

So, the big question is, why do white people code switch? Are they also stuck in survival mode, trying to secretly prove they’re good enough too?

Consider what messages white people have been receiving for the past one hundred years and how it has contributed to the spread of imposter syndrome. Now, think about the messages they have received about people of color. Historically speaking, how have white people been depicted in the media compared to people of color?

For example, white women were portrayed in the media as the standard of beauty and elegance. However, Black women, at the bottom of the racial hierarchy have historically been depicted as unattractive and angry.

What sort of distortions has this created in white people’s own view of themselves and the way they relate to people of color? People of color aren’t the only ones trying to reclaim their authentic voice.

And so, the question we must answer is – how do were cover our true voice, regardless of our race?This question and so many others, we shall explore in part two and three of this article series.

For those of you who have questions about part one, or you would just like to share a healthy dialogue on the subject please email me at or share your thoughts and make comments on instagram, facebook or LinkedIn. I look forward to having a meaningful discussion for overcoming impostor syndrome and taking back our authentic selves.

About Mahdi

Mahdi Davenport
Soul Focused Group CEO, Mahdi Davenport

For those unfamiliar with me, I am Berwick Mahdi Davenport, CEO, and co-founder of the Soul Focused Group. Our company, a solution based educational consultancy, is dedicated to fostering personal growth through reverse engineering the purpose of racism, which is to divide and conquer.

Our approach brings people together by teaching organizations how to cultivate Human Solidarity through Self Solidarity first, which strengthens leadership, elevates emotional intelligence, improves retention rates, cultivates psychologically safe environments and capitalizes on the benefits of diversity without all the negative side effects.

Over the past three decades, this work has enriched me, thanks to the thousands of brilliant minds like yours that I’ve had the privilege of engaging with. My focus on code switching stems from its immense potential in empowering us all and disrupting the pervasive influence of racism.

When we stop being “fake” we can unleash the power that comes from being REAL. To discover more about the Human Solidarity Project (HSP) approach visit our website and check out our blog and podcasts.

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Origins of Racism
Ego, Racism, Social Consciousness

The Origins of Racism

Historically talking, the concept of race and racism originated in the United States centuries ago. It is so old that we cannot even put a date stamp on it. Most people believe that racism is only a social evil; an injustice to mankind. But there is so much more to racism than what meets the eye.

For example, the origins of racism are also related to the ego of human beings. Many parts of racism exist because of our ego. You must be wondering how is it possible? That’s what we will talk about and discuss in detail in this piece.

A Social System Like Racism Is Created By A Mind That Was In Conflict With Itself

While we talk a lot about race and racism, we don’t spend enough time understanding what type of mind would create a social system like this. If we contemplate things properly, it would be evident that a mind that has given birth to racism must have been a mind that was in conflict, not just with others, but with itself.

And a conflicted mind is usually full of ego. When a person has a flawed idea of what is right and wrong, it is easy for them to believe that only their opinions are right. They believe that their opinions, actions, and beliefs are the only things that matter.

And that’s how ego is born.

Many people think that is just about being arrogant, rude, selfish, and other similar things of that nature. However, that is not true. At least, not entirely! Ego is also about having an outside perspective of yourself versus your inside perspective.

It is based on messages that you receive from a very young age. As a child when you are told a person is bad, a person is beautiful, a person is ugly, and so on, your mind starts grabbing those ideas without questioning them. And from there, your ego starts to get constructed.

It keeps on developing from that point onward. It starts to encompass the identities that you're told you are, whether that's by color like black or white, gender, or personality traits like smart, dumb, pretty, ugly, etc. You start to believe that those identities are the ultimate truth and when someone has a different opinion than yours, your ego takes a hit.

Our ego operates in such a way that keeps us separated from the truth. It makes us blind to the reality that is clearly in front of us. And that is how human beings created racism. They were convinced that their idea of human personalities is the ultimate truth. They were so blinded by their ego that they refused to consider another point of view. In the simplest of terms, racism is like ego on steroids.

Why Was Race Actually Invented?

Now that we have a rough idea about racism and its relation to ego, let’s talk about the most pressing questions. Why was race actually invented? What was the purpose and thought behind creating the idea of race and dividing and subdividing people based on phenotypes? Why would someone differentiate between people based on their skin color, facial features, and hair textures?

Just like we talked about, ego is something that defines us from the outside in. It is an external identifier or a set of external identities and identifiers that we later internalize.

Genetically, human beings are 99.98% similar. And so, people decided to divide us based on race. They didn't say, “we're going to do this because it makes absolute sense scientifically.” Instead, they said, “actually, we're going to do this because it makes sense socially.” Because this similar thing was already going on in other parts of the globe.

What we are implying here is that, back in the day, when people in the U.S. decided to divide human beings based on race they were just mirroring what was already happening in different places of the world. Especially in the places that were becoming the present-day United States, which had been the colonies earlier.

So, the rule-makers in the United States saw racism playing out in different parts of the world. And they probably thought, “we're going to do this because it's going to be serviceable to humanity.” And at that point in time, the entire humanity revolved around the group of people that would later come to be known as White.

And that was why race was invented.

The Conversation Of Racism And Ego Is An Under-Explored Arena

The conversation about the origins of racism and how it is related to the human ego is an under-explored area. When we talk about racism, our major topic of focus is moving towards the solutions to ending racism. And it’s natural too. Most of us want to put a full stop to such an insensitive practice towards humanity. Most individuals want to end racism, not just fight it, but end it completely.

And to do so, we usually keep on appealing to the people with the same mindset that created racism. People with power, status, and ego are so big that it prevents them from seeing the truth.

And here’s another truth: for many of us, who are on the other side of racism, saying we want to end racism is also a result of our ego. So we say that we want to work towards ending racism, we are usually operating from our ego, and we haven't even recognized it.

Racism Impacts Every Aspect Of Our Lives

The origins of racism were also the beginning of social sickness. It was a kind of social sickness that slowly crept into our personal lives and started influencing every part of it.

Whether we realize it or not, racism affects almost every part of our lives today. From the type of neighborhoods we live in to the type of food we consume to even the kind of air quality in our community, everything is impacted by racism one way or the other. Consciously or subconsciously, we all make decisions based on racism too. It’s a hard fact, but it is the truth.

And since everything about race is such a big part of our lives, our ego cannot stay separated from it. However, most of us do not understand ego and how it is influenced by racism.

People Have An Inherent Aversion Towards Understanding Ego

Most individuals don’t possess an understanding of ego. This is because we don’t even try to explore and learn about it in the first place. We try to avoid it. And so, people who are full of ego and who want to be in charge of everyone else manipulate us for their benefit.

Imagine you are someone who wants to control other people for your benefit. Wouldn't it be in your favor if they misunderstand your true intentions? Won’t you want them to misunderstand what you are actually doing? You would, right? You would totally want to manipulate them for your personal benefit.

Now, imagine a group of people who want to control everyone. A pretty small group of people that have economic and political motivations to be in control. They would naturally look for tools to control human beings, right? And one of the best ways to control human beings is to give them an idea of who they are. No matter if it’s a totally false and made-up idea. Like, a made-up idea around race, religion, or gender.

So, this group of people starts to define people externally. And they do it in such a way that we don’t realize their actual motives. They repeat their messages over and over and over again. They do it so many times that it starts feeling natural and real even when it's not. They sell us a false idea of who we are and manipulate us. And because we are unaware of the concept of ego and how it works, we start acting the way they want us to.

After all, why would we even want to know about a concept like ego, it’s not even interesting, right? On top of that, this external messaging and manipulation (from certain powerful individuals or groups) has made us not want to explore it. This is because most of us are pretty accepting of the status quo. We're pretty accepting of how things are because we believe that things are the way they are because of us.

Racism And Ego: Which One Has Been In Existence For Longer?

Simply put, the ego has been around since the dawn of humanity. Think about any
of our religious texts- the Bible, the Quran, or anything. All of them talk about the Devil or Satan. Isn’t that a kind of ego too?

Ego is what has driven us to war. It has driven us to all the forms of slavery that we have had throughout the history of humankind. It has driven us to conquest, exploitation, jealousy, fear, all the awful things that every religion talks about- the negative aspects of humanity!

The ego has been around for at least the past 75,000 years in terms of our human experience. And so, it was only natural that our collective ego, which is the total of all our egoic thinking, would create something like racism.

Racism was almost like the Ph.D. of ego like this is the highest it can go.

Now, it’s our job to understand that ego and have meaningful conversations about it because that is the only way to bring a positive change into the world.

Ego Is Not Unique To Whiteness. It Has Always Existed In Human Beings Dominating Other Human Beings.

While racism was invented to give privilege to white people, it is very important to understand that ego is not exclusive to whites. It is not only about white people. Human beings have always dominated other human beings since the dawn of humanity. They had taken other human beings as slaves long before the concept of whiteness even existed.

Think about Shaka Zulu or the empire of the Mayans. Weren’t all of them operating from their ego? They were dominating and doing horrible things to other human beings that existed long before whiteness.

Similarly, today we have the likes of the Taliban doing dreadful things to humanity. Thus, ego is not unique to white people. Ego has existed in human beings dominating other human beings forever! 

Television And Mass Media Has Played A Role In Boosting Our Ego And Glorifying Violence And Oppression.

As we think about the evolution of both race and racism and their correlation with ego, another thing that must be noticed. And that is the human ego got a boost when television came into being. Television exasperated the egoic mind, and somehow, it became a tool of perpetuating constant ego. So many TV shows normalize violence. They are all for the glorification of violence, patriarchy, and killing of indigenous people and people of color.

And all of that became such a huge part of our collective and individual ego. Television has such power that it can lock us into an egoic framework. So when we think about wanting to change society and put a full stop to racism, patriarchy, and other forms of oppression, the mass media has done such a good job of locking us inside that circle of ego.

So even as we rebel against certain aspects of racism, there is a whole mechanism and variation of racism and oppression that the society has accepted as normal and a common denominator. This is because the power of mass media has played a huge role as a tool of perpetuating ego and all these forms of oppression.

Love Is The Antidote To Ego

The ego creates a constant state of comparison and separation. And the only way to overcome this is by leading with love. Love is a true antidote to ego. It takes us back to our original, higher, and authentic selves.

Love is the essence of our Creator. And ego prevents us from seeing our Creator and from seeing ourselves in each other. Ego doesn’t let us act and relate to each other; it becomes a barrier in our relationships and friendships. So, the only way we can reduce the impact of racism is by moving on the path of love.

And the only way we can go to the roots of the origins of racism is by understanding everything going around us. So we need to study the history of Africa and how racism, its nuances, and complexities came into being. It is also essential to know more about Black Power movements, civil rights movements, black history, etc. There is so much more to black history than what meets the eye. And understanding that will help us understand racism and how our ego plays a part in it.

When you start knowing in-depth about the origins of racism, you will be able to see your ego footprint. This, in turn, will help you realize how your individual ego contributes to the collective ego of the world.

Ego Reduction Is The Way To End Racism

If you want to end racism, your first step should be to acknowledge that you have an ego. Then try to find out how your ego keeps you separated from your higher self and your divine soul. Another essential thing to do is reduce the consumption of materials that pollute your mind. It can be social media, Tik-Tok videos, television, and news. If it is harming you, try to reduce its consumption. This will go a long way in reducing your egoic energy.

When you reduce your ego, you will have more love for others. The gaps created by ego reduction will be filled by love. And whether you realize it or not, love is the answer to everything; it is the solution to every problem.

The origins of racism created something that made us stop seeing ourselves in other people. We started believing that we were somehow better than others. And when we stop seeing ourselves in other people, we stop loving them. And that is the root cause of all problems.

So, here are the key takeaways of everything we discussed in this blog post:

  • Try to see yourself in others. Live from the state of oneness!
  • Love will help you work towards the greater good of humankind. It is only love that will help save humanity.
  • The notion of separation is only an illusion in this material world. In reality, our souls are more connected to each other than we realize. And so, just like every religion teaches, “do unto others as you would have done to you.”

Racism, by its very nature, is an assault on our humanity. It takes us away from our Creator and from our soul. It stops us from being our authentic selves.

On the other hand, love takes us closer to our soul. While ego brings disruption, love brings peace and oneness. So, make sure that whatever you do, you do it out of love. And rest everything will fall into place! 

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