When leaders have clarity
They Achieve Greatness

Our mission is to build long-lasting and authentic human connection.

We create solutions.

What we believe in.

Meet The Team

Berwick Mahdi Davenport

Dustin Washington

Dr Stephanie Jupiter

Martina Tam

Martin Friedman

Jill L. English

Bonnie Cushing

Albert Gay

Annie Hostetter

Nicole Auffant

Dr. Arlene Coleman

Kelly Edwards

Stephany Ashley

Maya Savage

Tirza Barnes-Griffith

Juanita Molano Parra

Jackie Roby

Anuar Velazquez

Christin Farmer

Allyson Ryder

Nina Laboy
Frequently Asked

We create learning environments and experiences that empowers the people in your organization to turn the lemons from the toxic groundwater into the lemonade that empowers people to work better, love better and live better. We your organization to grow by helping the people in your organization to grow.
You and your organization will experience a new and refreshing perspective towards human connection that supports you feeling more authentically in tune with yourself and those you work with, as well as an enhanced ability to create solutions that transform the toxic groundwater and solve for other forms of systemic inequities.
During the pandemic, we decided to modify our live workshops into a virtual format over Zoom to continue providing our offerings in a socially distanced world. We continue to offer dynamic and impactful virtual experiences to organizations who still desire to social distance or have time constraints. While nothing can replace the unique experience of a live engagement, our virtual workshops provide the same powerful content that inspires deep transformation and growth.
Our workshops are highly interactive with a blend of full group and small group discussions, all designed to create a sense of shared learning and community. We use audio-visual, PowerPoint, and Socratic facilitation methodology designed to make the process of learning as engaging as possible. Our learning experiences bring forth emotions, deep reflections, laughter, a sense of adventure and possibility.
We recommend that you schedule a consultation with our team, so we can tailor a package designed to meet your specific needs.
We focus on creating human solidarity because when we’re true to ourselves we work better, love better and live better.
After 30 years of experience, we have come to understand that our greatest obstacle is negative subconscious programming, or what we call "toxic groundwater." Our toxic groundwater causes us to fight against ourselves and others, which works against the formation of solidarity.
Experts tell us that only 2 to 5% of our daily lives is controlled by our conscious mind and the other 95 to 98% is controlled by our subconscious mind. Toxic groundwater negatively impacts 95 to 98% of our lives. This is why it so important.
It means you practice equitable leadership. You see, hear, and connect with those you lead in such a way that they know they matter, and their contributions are appreciated.
Racism currently serves as a primary barrier to human connection and undermines effective leadership in our society.
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